A Library Express for Birch Bay
Fantastic News!
Treasured Birch Bay Library Supporters,
We have fantastic news: Whatcom County Council and Executive Sidhu approved our funding request for the Library project, in the amount of $315,000, coming from the federal economic program, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). That is the full amount Friends needed to fundraise to complete our project. Special thanks to Senator Sharon Shewmake for introducing us to Councilmember Kaylee Galloway, who was instrumental in getting our request in front of the County Council.
On Tuesday, 12/19/2023, FOBBL presented the Whatcom County Library System with an enthusiastically welcomed check for $40,000!
Our project road has been up and down since its 2015 inception. It has been a long time since we’ve been able to really celebrate and feel totally secure in our project’s completion.
In 2024, Whatcom County Library System will selected an architect to provide the construction drawings, and then renovation of the historic Vogt home can begin. The Friends will continue fundraising efforts aimed at enhancing our library space, both as specified in the base plans and beyond.
We’ll keep you up to date with our quartly FOBBL Flyer!
Dianne Marrs-Smith, President
Friends of Birch Bay Library
2024 Calendars: Only $5!
A few copies of the fourth annual Friends of Birch Bay Library 12-month wall calendar for 2024 are still available at the bargain price of $5. This latest calendar showcases stunning photographs taken by talented community members. It makes make a great gift for anyone who enjoys Birch Bay.
You can purchase yours online at: https://friends-of-the-birch-bay-librarycalendar.square.site/ They are also available at the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Center. If you have questions or need to make arrangements for pickup, email fobblpresident@gmail.com.
We always appreciate your support while we continue our fundraising efforts to grow our library services in Birch Bay!
2024 Events, Meetings and Endeavors

5K Fun Run/Walk — August 31, 2024
Our first ever Fundraising Fun Run/Walk on the berm last summer was a lot of fun, so we’re bringing it back this summer during Derby Days, August 31st. You can register for $25 at: https://wcls.libcal.com/event/12813743

FOBBL Booths – We enjoy participating in community events, especially the Birch Bay events by representing our organization and mission with booths at as many events as we can cover. We have celebrated the kite festival, sand sculpture, Roll back and look forward to Derby Days. Many events in Birch Bay are sponsored by our Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce. You can learn more on their website – Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce.
Annual General Meeting – Annually we have a large meeting inviting all who are interested in our project. This meeting is usually held in late summer or early fall. There is much to do and we welcome your input and talents in making the Birch Bay Vogt Library Express a reality, if you would like to join us now, please check out our membership page here.
Book Sales – We are no longer activity selling used books. Since we are ramping up to begin the process of remodeling we have sold off most of our collection. Thank you to those of you that made donations and to those of you that shopped our sales!
Birch Bay Library Book Club – Normally, our book club meets the third Wednesday of each month, from 4 – 5:30 p.m., on the library site. We regularly post dates and book titles in our FOBBL Flyers.
August 2024 update: The book club will be taking a break until springtime. Once we know when they are starting back up we’ll post an update here.
Mission, Vision and Value Statements
Friends of Birch Bay Library is a volunteer group dedicated to bringing a full-service library to the Birch Bay community. Initially, we will raise funds to build a library as part of the Whatcom County Library System. Once completed, we will provide funding to support library programs that encourage lifelong learning, stimulate creativity, and strengthen community.
Our library will serve as a lifelong learning hub in the heart of our community where all are welcome to be curious, learn, and connect.
To accomplish our Mission and Vision, Friends of Birch Bay Library will:
- Advocate for full library services with Whatcom County Library System; working together to complete our building project.
- Garner support through community meetings, presentations, and information sharing.
- Create fundraising efforts that include, but is not limited to, book sales, bake sales, grant submissions, quarterly fundraising campaigns, and involvement in community events.
- Engage community members in Library events.
- Maintain awareness of our building project through quarterly newsletters, promotions, presentations, and open Friends meetings.
- Embrace the spirit of equality and equity for all.
- Actively participate in and support other community events as a permanent community anchor.
Friends of Birch Bay Library
Raising Funds to Build Birch Bay Vogt Community Library
Online Fundraising is a success! Thank you community for helping us reach our goal!
We participated in the Community Thrives fundraising challenge and exceeded our goal, raising $7,026! This success will help us as we continue striving to raise funds for our library building project. We also participated in the Giving Tuesday fundraising drive, results have not been finalized.
Many FOBBL members reached out to friends and the broader community, and you really came through for us! We appreciate you all so much. Watch for our next exciting fundraiser.
Help Us Build Our Library!
Donations for the Birch Bay Vogt Community Library Project are being collected by Friends of Birch Bay Library.
Please make your check payable to “Friends of Birch Bay Library” addressed to:
Friends of Birch Bay Library
4550 Birch Bay Lynden Rd #1182, Blaine, WA 98230
Friends of Birch Bay Library is a 501c3, non-profit organization. Our EIN# 81-4112980.
Topics Worthy of Discussion!

Hotdog and Book Sale Fundraiser
Come visit the Birch Bay Vogt Community Library building site on July 19th and purchase a yummy hotdog lunch, some lemonade by Bailey and shop our used book sale. There will also be story tellers

Trivia Night
‘Are you Smarter than a Librarian?’Friends of Birch Bay Library is joining with Blaine – Birch Bay Parks and Recreation to host our first Trivia Night on Saturday, January 30th at 6:30 pm via Zoom.

We are Instagraming!
We know that people like to communicate their own way. Since we want to reach everyone with the news of our future library we have added Instagram to our social network. You can find us

Bookmobile day is Wednesday in Birch Bay!
Every Wednesday the Whatcom County Library System Bookmobile visits Birch Bay. You can find it parked at the future library site, 7948 Birch Bay Drive, from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

2020 July – Geotech is Testing!
Written by: Di Marrs-Smith & Connie Taylor Geotech testing is getting started at our Birch Bay library site. Drayton Archaeology is on-site to monitor. Work is happening! What they are looking for is how much

2020 Begins New Planning
Written by: Di Marrs-Smith As we begin the new year, we are laying out plans for new community events to help us in our fundraising goals and to keep our community informed on Birch Bay
Contact Us!
Future home of Birch Bay Vogt Library Express is located at 7948 Birch Bay Drive, Blaine Washington
FOBBL Mailing address is Friends of Birch Bay Library, Attn: Board Members, 4550 Birch Bay – Lynden Road #1182, Blaine, WA 98230